A Pediatric Physical Therapist's Biggest Playground Pet-peeve

They are SO functional and they immediately invite play! If I could treat on a playground all day, I would! Even more so, my dream therapy room would mostly consist of an indoor playground... but I digress.
My biggest pet-peeve is telling kids they can't climb up the slide!
Why? Because climbing up the slide affords the child the opportunity to improve:
  • strength- of their entire body!
  • endurance- depending on how tall the slide is and how many trials it takes for them to get up
  • reciprocation of upper and lower extremities- this simply means alternating their arms and legs to climb
  • coordiantion- of body and limbs
  • balance- on an inclined surface
  • range of motion- primarily of hips and ankles
  • vestibular input- if they don't make it to the top and end up sliding back down.
Of course, in tandem with this skill you should teach your child to make sure no one is about to come down the slide to avoid a collision and don't attempt this in a closed slide!
If a child can't complete this skill independently yet, you can help by assisting the placement of their feet with each step up or giving them a little boost from their bottom. Each time you can give them a little less assistance until you are just standing next to the slide!
Comment below how it went or tag me (@movetolearnpt) in your story on instagram! I can't wait!

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