5 Ways to Reduce & Prevent Temper-Tantrums

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Added to the list of "things people don't tell you" is that your sweet-angel won't wait until two to start the "terrible twos".
Our kids really do grow up so fast (I know, the most annoyingly true statement *cue the eye roll). But I could not believe how quickly my son developed his little personality and telling me exactly what he wanted or didn't want. Probably around 16 or 17 months I caught myself thinking "I thought this wasn't supposed to start until TWO! Don't we have a few more months of the sweetness?!"
Since then, I have referred to my toddler as a sour patch kid...
Fear not, strong momma! This is is developmentally appropriate and we can help to reduce or prevent these tantrums by understanding why they might be happening. Let's talk about some actionable steps you can make to help minimize the tears (mother and child) and WHY they will help!
1. Give 2 choices of things that you want!
  • Why does this work? Because your little is learning that they CAN make choices so they are exercising that new found idea! Letting them make a choice empowers them and allows them to feel a sense of control. I use this CONSTANTLY! & for any possible thing imaginable: eg. "Do you want one piece of toilet paper or two?" "Do you want your apple cut in slices or chunks?" "Do you want the blue cup or the yellow cup?" "Do you want to put your shirt or pants on first?"
2. Use "First, Then" statements
  • Why does this work? It helps to set expectations. This one really helps when your little doesn't want to do something. For my son (and I think many others), he hates getting his diaper and clothes changed and he always wants to go right to books. So we say "Hey buddy! First diaper, then books!" Or if he wants to go outside but doesn't want to put shoes on we say "I hear you saying you want to go outside, first let's get our socks & shoes on, then we'll be ready to go outside! Do you want to put a sock on this foot or this foot first? (see how you can combine that with a choice of two?!). Be mindful when using this and use it for chronological reasoning, not consequential.
3. Distraction/Redirection
  • Why does this work? Toddlers are busy soaking in everything around them and they also typically have a short attention span. Recently my son has started to get destructive when he gets bored. Once I go find another toy or activity to do he is happy and calm again (it's literal magic). He is especially interested if I am playing with it and having loads of fun ;)
4. Emphasize the good!
  • Why does this work? Very simply, everyone loves being praised including and especially our toddlers! Frequently, tantrums stem from a frustration that we aren't understanding what they are trying to communicate or that they want attention (and of course we always react to a loud screaming kid lol). But if we can figure out what they want and give them attention without that crazy outburst then we've reduced the occurrence of tantrums!! So catch those little munchkins doing anything good! This might sound like "OH! I love how gentle you set down that truck!" or "Thank you so much for helping me pick up those crayons, you're a great helper!" & BONUS points if they overhear you praising them to another adult! *whispers to grandma "Did you know that Susie wipes her own face after her meals?!"
5. Gather tools that help you teach them how to navigate these big emotions: 
  • Why does this work? We don't know everything and we don't have to, that's why there are experts! If an expert develops a tool to solve a problem let's use it, mommas! Then we can spend that much needed brain power on other things that bring joy into our lives. The tool I have eye-balled since my son was about 6 months old is the Generation Mindful Time-in Toolkit & he's finally old enough to use it! The concept is simple and easy to do and it looks cute too. As both a mother and a school-based pediatric Physical Therapist, my day is spent helping kiddos navigate their world and I know (from my own experience) that this tool is something that can easily be implemented with success. I can picture this in classrooms, therapy rooms and of course in anyone's home. I believe that teaching our littles to navigate their emotions will have a profound impact on the trajectory of their life and I'm committed to starting that process now! Anyone else with me?!
Learn more about the Time in Toolkit here & join me!!
Don't forget to head over to instagram (@movetolearnpt) and follow along for more updates! 
I have recently become an affiliate with Generation Mindful because I have personally purchased their products and seen them work in my own home! I cannot wait to share more about how I am using them with my son!

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